Showing posts with label dinner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dinner. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

Friday, October 3, 2014

Some Days Call For a Pot Roast

It's funny how some days I crave a steak, or other days I crave chicken enchiladas...but there are those days when there is a chill in the air that you want something that will stick to your ribs a little better. On those days I pull out my recipe binder and thumb through until I find the perfect recipe.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Nothing Beats a Big Fat Bolognese

When the moon hits your eye like a pie...that's a BOLOGNESE. Okay. I know that isn't how the little song goes...but honestly there isn't anything better than a big bolognese! And who do I turn to when I need the recipe? You got it...Anne Burrell!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Chicken Noodle Soup - Always A Winner

There are some meals that comfort you when you are a child, or that you associate with things from your childhood. Chicken noodle soup is one of those things. I'm sure just like the rest of you, whenever I was sick I was given chicken noodle soup.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Preparing for Fall

Well folks...I hate to tell you this...but Fall is coming. The giant leaves on the big leaf maples are already starting to turn colors and some have already hit the ground. I'm not going to lie...Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love everything about it...some things more than others.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Napa Valley Vacation - Day 5

Well the title of the blog changed from conference to vacation...that's was the first day of our vacation! And we started it off the right way...we slept in...until 8. HAHA. Isn't that sad when sleeping in is either 7 or 8 AM! Well, it truly was decadent!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mini Vacation...Day 3...Back Home!

Now I did say at the beginning of this series of posts that it was TWO mini vacations. Now I wasn't lying about that at all! Today, we made our way back to the United States...back to our home where we'll be for the next day or so. But have no fear my faithful readers...we will be back on the road shortly!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mini Vacation...Day 2.

What a busy day it was today! We started at 6 AM when the alarm rang. And again...Dolly Parton's song was rolling through my brain as I tried to get my day started. We wanted to make sure we made it up to Whistler with plenty of time. And we accomplished that goal! :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Can't Beat the Crock Pot!

I realize that I'm the person who always seems to go "over the top" when making dinner. But there are some days that I really don't want to put much effort into things. And some days it's that I have a million things to do, and when it comes time to sit down for dinner...I don't want to be spending 3 hours to get me there. It is then, my friends, when the crock pot comes out of it's spot behind my Le Creuset pots.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tried and true...with something new!

It's been a bit on the warm side here in Edmonds, and yesterday it seemed to break just a bit. While me and the boys hung out inside, the chickens had the run of the yard. The girls loved foraging all day, especially after I mowed the back lawn and stirred up all the bugs! :) When it came time to decide what was for dinner I pulled out my cookbooks and started thumbing through them. I smiled as I planned the dinner and knew that it has been a while since I did a dinner post so this was the perfect one!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who wants chili?!? I do! I do!

Okay...chili has to be one of my favorite comfort foods!! I can eat any kind of chili, any day of the week and for any meal! You can serve it to me in a bowl with crackers, over a hot dog or even over nachos! Honestly, I'll take chili any way you serve it! :) That's the beauty of can make it your own and serve it however you want it...and chances are that it'll be good!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Who loves meatballs??? I do!

I don't care how you make them, what they are made of, or what they are drenched in...I LOVE meatballs! I've tried several recipes, including ones from Anne Burrell and Nigella Lawson. But I'm going to share a little secret with you...I have a better recipe!