Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2017

Long Time Gone I have *not* been around in  quite some time! Blogging has fallen by the wayside, as it has many times in the past, but now I honestly feel like I need to get back to my roots.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Egg-citing Times on the Farm!

With all that has been going on over the last week, I'm happy to say that there have been some bright spots as well. And I'm so excited to share with you what is happening right now here! Are you ready?!?

Friday, February 6, 2015

New Year...New Additions!

Well friends, I honestly can't believe that we are into 2015...and already a week into February! I think with all of the changes that happened in the middle of last year...that sped things up for us and time just flew by!

Friday, January 16, 2015

2014 - A Year in Review

Well folks...2014 flew by so fast that I'm not quite sure what really happened and if most of it was a dream or not. And here we are half way through the first month of a new year! It truly is amazing how much has happened in the past year...and how many people are now on this journey with me.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Packing up and Heading Out - France Vacation -- Day 1 - Travel the time this posts I will be in the air on my way to France. It's crazy to think that just a few days ago my kitchen was full of wonderful smells of Thanksgiving...and Michael's parents joined us for dinner. And tomorrow (well today...when you are reading this) we'll be on our way to Europe.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ol' Fashioned Coop Raising

Moving to Snohomish has really turned into something great. Both Michael and I really enjoy the privacy we have here as well as the room to do the things we've always wanted to do. Michael can't wait until this winter when I start building the terraced gardens on our front hill...and me...well I couldn't wait to build the coop of my dreams!

Monday, August 4, 2014

This REAL Housewife is now the REAL RURAL Housewife

Hi...remember me? I'm the REAL Housewife of Snohomish County. Well folks, I have no excuse for being absent from blogging for such a long period of time! It's been over three months to be exact. As I'm sure everyone else has been experiencing, life has really changed for us in the past few hopefully you'll let it slide that I have been absent so long. Will you? Please? :)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

It's Spring! Kind of...

Well the official first day of spring has come and gone. Sadly, the only thing that really lets me know it's here is that I've now mowed the lawn three times! Other than still feels like a dreary Seattle winter around these parts.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Here We Come!

Another year has flown by, even though it feels like it was only yesterday that I was making my first Thanksgiving turkey in my new kitchen! It's hard to believe that it's already been a year, and thinking back I have so much to be thankful for that I don't even know where to begin.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

In between Mini Vacations...

I wish that I could say that today I sat on the couch the entire day, eating bon-bons and drinking wine. But that would be nothing but a big, fat lie! Today, just like any other day in the life of a housewife, was busy. My husband may be on vacation, and we may be in between mini vacations...but my job never really does stop.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Calling all my Chicken Peeps!

I've realized lately that having this blog is a good way for me to not only get out my daily musings, but it's a place to bring up issues in my life or the world around me. And this is one of those moments when I come to my readers to ask for your help and support.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

New Life on the Farm.

I can finally take a breath, and its not labored. During the last 5 days, there were times that I could barely breathe and sleep was little to be had. Why you ask? As you know I had 6 eggs in my incubator, and two days before hatch date they decided to pip!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Tick...Tock...Goes My Biological Clock!

Madonna's song is stuck in my head right now...Time goes slowly. It truly, truly does! And the more time passes, the louder my biological clock ticks! So I'm doing anything I can to appease all of this! And it has come down to incubating and hatching my own chicks!

Monday, July 22, 2013

When Life Hands You Lemons...

You know the old saying that starts with..."When life hands you lemons," right? Well, do you ever find that when life hands them to you, instead of making lemonade you want to chuck them at the people that are pissing you off?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Exciting Times at The Farm!

It's 1:15 AM, and I really should be sleeping. But let's be honest, I can't sleep, not with all this exciting stuff happening! What's going on? Do you really want to know? Okay, I can't contain myself anymore...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Winner...Winner...Chicken Dinner! I guess it wasn't really appropriate to say "chicken dinner!" :) But I think you know what I meant! Today is the day that I announce who the winner is! :) I had so much fun with this first contest, and I can't wait to do the next one! So, without further adieu, here is the winning picture!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hectic Days at "the farm"

If you've ever spent any time in the Pacific North West you know that when the sun come hurry the hell up and get all of your yard work done. Because you know that if you don''s going to rain the very next day! And that, my dear readers, is what I've been doing the past few days. And because of that not only has my blogging taken a back seat...but my housework has as well!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Chicken Nipples and the RHOSC Chicken Photo Contest & Giveaway!!!

I'm super excited because I get to not only feature a product that I use and love here at BP Farms Bed & Breakfast, I also get to give this product away!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Life on a the middle of the suburbs.

Ever since I was a kid I dreamt of living on a farm or ranch. I've always wanted some land where I could have a big garden, horses, goats, chickens and maybe a couple of cows. Here I am, almost 33 years old, living in the suburbs with a yard that I've transformed into a mini farm and ranch. I guess I should have made my dreams a little more specific!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Springtime at BP Farms Bed & Breakfast

I am a bit hesitant to make this comment for fear of jinxing everything...but...I think it's Spring! There, I said let me go look out the window to see if the clouds are rolling in to bring us a snow storm! ;-)