The time has come for the next adventure in hatching and raising chicks! This one I was a bit more relaxed...thank goodness! But that isn't to say that it wasn't full of fun and exciting things! The way this page is set up I will post the new days information at the top, so if you want to see Day 1, you'll have to scroll all the way down to the bottom.
One of the biggest differences in this adventure is that I'll be using the Brinsea EcoGlow20 brooder to keep my chicks warm! I ordered this from Brinsea about a month ago, and I honestly am so happy with it! Check it out online you won't be disappointed!! Enjoy this adventure with me! You can see all the pictures and MORE on my
Instagram Account!!
Day 22:
Another week has come and gone...and I can't believe how fast it was! With everything that has been going putting in an offer on a new home...and all's amazing that I still have time for things around here! But the nuggets are growing by LEAPS and BOUNDS! Their feathers are coming in quite nicely! And I'm pretty sure that Camilla is Carl. ;-) But that's okay. :) This week I took pictures of their backs and the left profile! :) Enjoy this week's pictures!
Miss Ginger. |
She's going to be soooo pretty! |
Miss Lacey! |
Miss Camilla...I mean Mister Carl. **sigh** |
Pretty bird though! |
Da Boys! |
DA BOYS! :) |
Miss Amelia |
She still has her eye-liner! |
Miss Silvia...still doesn't like pictures lol |
She's going to be pretty! |
Day 15:
Well it's been a week since the last update! I know...I'm horrible! But I've decided that with everything going on the last few weeks that I would now update once a week! :) Today I had Michael take a picture of me with the nuggets! They are getting so big! Tomorrow I'll post individual pictures of them! But until then...enjoy this picture of the mother hen and her babies! (Btw...I forgot to put on my don't make fun of my hair! LOL) Oh...and I got hardcore pooped on! **sigh**
Day 8:
The chicks have celebrated one full week of being out of the shell and in their brooder box! I seriously can't believe that they hatched one week ago already!! Happy times!
To celebrate their one full week of chick-dom...I decided to take a picture of them in the carton I brought them home in. Now I'm going to say...this was NO easy feat! LOL. It was like herding cats...seriously! Hope you like the pictures! LOL
Me and my brood. :) |
Attempt 1 of 10 LOL |
Attempt 10...the final one LOL |
Cooper is NOT happy that he isn't getting my full attention anymore LOL |
Day 7:
I can't believe that one week ago these little buggers started pipping!!! It truly is amazing how much they change in one week! Still blown away!
I still love picking up each one of them each day and holding them for a minute or two to get them used to being around me! :) It was so great to be able to show the people I volunteer with at Safe Crossings the live camera feed of the chicks! How can you NOT smile when you see little fluffy butts running around?! Oh I love baby chickens!!! **melt** Enjoy today's pictures!
Day 6:
I can't believe how dang cute these chicks are! They are just so darned funny to watch as well! One of my favorties times of the day is when I go out to the garage to turn on the lights and they stick their fluffly little heads out from under the brooder! They are so cute!!!! They are getting bigger by the moment! Their wings are starting to show up...and some of their butts are sprouting tail feathers. I think I said that last part yesterday...but hey it's worth repeating! :) Here are today's pictures!
Sweet Miss Ginger |
Miss Lacey |
Miss Camilla |
Da BOYS. |
Miss Amelia |
Miss Silvia is never cooperative during picture time. She turns around and chirps LOUDLY! LOL |
Day 5:
So I have to admit something...the way I'm doing the blog this time is throwing me for a loop! I'm typing this a day Day 5 is actually yesterday! I keep getting things mixed up as to what happens each day! HAHA :)
But nonetheless...the chickies are starting to get their wing feathers and even a few are sprouting their little tail feathers! It's crazy how much they change in just a few short days!! I can't believe that they are almost a week old already!! :) Well here are today's pictures...I tried to get a shot of one of their wings. Now I'm sure that you are wondering why "The BOYS" get a group shot each time...well to be's because I can't tell the three of them apart! So yea...they'll continue to get a group shot each day! :) Enjoy today's pictures!
Miss Ginger |
Miss Lacey |
Miss Camilla |
The BOYS |
Miss Amelia |
Miss Silvia |
Day 4:
Okay...I'm going to try this again...this will be my fourth attempt at this post! HA! :)
This is the fourth batch of chicks that I've raised...and I always forget how much I love this first week of their lives! They are so funny to watch! They've had such an incredible few days from hatching to exploring the world around them! I am just in awe! I added a new platform and perch to the run, and it's funny to watch them run around...and jump off the perch! :) I honestly wish they could stay this size forever!
And I have to say that I am in LOVE with the Brinsea EcoGlow20!! And I have to give a shout out to Miss Rose from Brinsea for putting up with all my emails and helping me to get one of these! I love it so much that I am going to give one away! I have to think of a good contest though!! (considering my recipe contest was a BUST!!!) But until then...I hope you get a chance to check out ChickTV when it's broadcasting live! And if you aren't able to...I hope you enjoy my daily pictures! Here are today's pictures!
A sleepy Miss Ginger |
Miss Lacey |
Miss Camilla |
The BOYS |
Miss Amelia |
Miss Silvia |
Day 3:
Another big day for the chickies! Today they moved out to the big brooder box in the garage! :) The inside of the brooder has changed many times, but I added some clumps of grass for them to dig in and eat. It's been so much fun having the camera on them all day, and with D-link I can monitor them at any time! They are so funny, they are really getting their legs and running around the brooder and jumping off the top of the feeder. So much fun! I hope you all get the chance to tune into ChickTV!!! :) Here are today's pictures!
The brooder box with my Brinsea EcoGlow20! |
I love being able to spy on them with the camera!! At their eye level! |
Miss Ginger |
Miss Lacey |
Miss Camilla |
The BOYS |
Miss Amelia...I think she's actually an Easter Egger...not an Ameraucana...**false advertising** |
Miss Silvia |
They are all doing well drinking from the chicken nipple watering system! |
Here's a shot with the camera in there! :) |
Day 2:
Day two was a BIG day for the chickies! It was their first full day of life in the brooder box and out of the egg! I've been in contact with the wonderful lady that I got the hatching eggs from and she confirmed that three of the chicks are roosters, the yellowish colored ones. And she thinks that the cream legbar is a female...but only time will tell on that! So yesterday, knowing that I only had one for sure hen, I went to Portage Bay Grange in Seattle and purchased a Silver Laced Wyandotte pullet and an Ameraucana pullet. I'm excited to add these two ladies to my chicks! It's so much fun having the babies in the house again...but it's hard to remember that they grow out of this cute fluffy butt stage QUICKLY! :) Here are today's pictures...WITH the chicks' names! Enjoy the pictures!
This is Ginger, my Gingernut Ranger |
This is Lacey, my Blue Laced Red Wyandotte |
Here is Camilla, my Cream Legbar |
These are The BOYS. Two are Butternut Rangers, and one is a Gingernut Ranger. |
This is Amelia, my Ameraucana. |
Here is Silvia, my Silver Laced Wyandotte. |
Day 1:
Well yesterday was a LONG day, I'm not going to lie. The pipping (breaking a hole in the egg to start the hatching process) started on April 9th at 3 PM. Needless to say I knew that I wasn't going to be getting ANY sleep! Starting at 7PM I planted my rear end in my office in front of the incubator, waiting for everything to start. Things didn't start happening until 4:20 AM on the 10th...and from that point on I was awake and in front of the incubator until it all finished. Out of the 7 eggs in the incubator, every one hatched! The last one to hatch was a cream legbar, and it died shortly after hatching. So much happens to these little ones in such a short period of time, that it truly is amazing that any of them survive! So we had a wonderful hatch of six healthy chicks! Enjoy today's pictures!!!
3 PM on 4/9 this little egg pipped! |
Temporary brooder box is ready! |
I sit down with a Manhattan ready for the night! |
Here is what it looked like in my office! :) |
Chick #1 hatched at 4:20 AM! :) Welcome to the world!! |
Chick # 1 resting after hatching...waiting for it's siblings! |
Chick#2 getting ready to come out! |
This was command central! Too much technology?!? |
To see a video of the hatching of Chick #2 at 6:35 AM, click
Chick # 3 made it out at 7:05 AM |
Chick #4 hatched at 8:05 AM! |
Chick #5, the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hatched at 8:47 AM! It's the brown one. :) |
And Chick #6, the Cream Legbar, joined us at 9:15 AM! :) |
Here they are resting under the Brooder!! They love it! |
My healthy babies! |
They joined us in the living room for some family TV time! :) |
Cooper and Puck aren't sure what to think of them! LOL |
Me and my brood. :) |
They took to drinking from the Avian Aquamiser fountain QUICKLY!!! |
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