Well folks...the day has finally come! I'm finally home in Honolulu! It seems like it was only yesterday that we were here, but in the same breath it seems so long ago. I find it funny how certain places or memories can be like that...I think that is the sign of a good memory or place. Does that make sense? Or is the Jinro talking? :)
I'm not going to lie...last night I didn't get much sleep at all. I dropped the boys off at The Dog Spot early yesterday morning that way I would have all day to get things done. By the time 11 PM rolled around, I wasn't tired and I knew it was going to be a long night. I set my alarm for 5 AM, with plans of being on the road by 5:45. I don't know if you've ever had those nights where you are so tired...yet you can't fall asleep? Well that was last night. I was half asleep and had a "dream" that someone was killed in our gym room...seriously?!? Who has that?! And then I had a "dream" that we missed our alarms and woke up at 7 AM! That was enough to almost keep me awake! Even after those, and more, I think I last looked at the clock at around 3 AM. So I guess I did manage to get about 2 hours of sleep. :)
I honestly can't explain the feeling that I get when I see the Hawaiian Islands in the distance. Well...I guess I can...it's that feeling of "home." I watched as Hawai'i Island came into view...then Maui...followed by Moloka'i. I pulled out my phone as we banked right to fly over O'ahu. I managed to snap a few pictures.
You can see Hawai'i Island in the distance! :) |
Flying over Makapu'u. |
Hanauma Bay! Can't wait to snorkel again! |
Diamond Head! :) |
Typing this blog right now I am getting that feeling of seeing the Islands...that warmth. It is a feeling that will never get old.
Now I have a bit of a tradition. Whenever I come home, the first thing I do is go eat chicken katsu at Zippy's. I know, it's not the best place to eat in the world, but hey...it's good food...and it feels like home! So that was literally our first stop after getting the rental car!
After eating, we made our way to The Hilton Hawaiian Village. This is where I worked when I lived here, and it's so great to see people that I worked with...and even better when they remember me! We have a beautiful Ocean View timeshare unit in The Grand Waikikian Tower. From our lanai, we have a view of the ocean, and I can't wait to sit out there tomorrow morning and have my Hawaiian Breakfast!
The view from our lanai. :) |
This afternoon we stopped and saw Claudia, who is my former boss...but truly she is hanai mother. When I first moved here, she took me under her wing and into her family. That's what hanai means, your adoptive family. We stopped and saw her at her office, and then made our way to the store to buy groceries for our stay. By this time...I was already getting hungry again! HA! :) So after some shopping, we made our way back to The Village and I met up with my old friend.
Oh Jinro....how I have missed you and a Hawaiian sunset! |
After pouring myself a drink, I grabbed my camera to capture our first sunset of the trip!
First sunset of our trip! |
What a marvelous sunset from our lanai!
We made our way to a little bar and grill for dinner and I managed to snap a few pictures on the way.
Out front of The Hilton Hawaiian Village |
The Ala Wai canal. Such a dirty canal...but so pretty in the sunset! :) |
This has truly been a great start of our vacation...well any vacation where I get to come home to Hawai'i is great! I am looking forward to the next 9 days and what they have in store for us! I know there will be good food, lots of beach time and some fun sight seeing on this beautiful island!
I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your week, and I hope you check out my blog for the daily posts and pictures!
Until next time...Keep Cooking! (Or in my case...baking in the sun!)
That picture of the sunset is sooooo amazing!!! I wish I was there!!!